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1031716 1082 never_land 发表于 2010-9-16 12:04:51 | 置顶 |
never_land  高中三年级 发表于 2011-8-15 10:25:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 美国
本帖最后由 never_land 于 2011-8-15 10:32 编辑
5 E2 m9 v8 F; L, g
7 @. Z$ O/ F( i/ }; |几句话:- U5 q& E/ H. G& o
5 M: u' u, ~' G
我们的主常带我到黑暗中去,为着要和我们说话。有时祂带领我们进入孤单的黑暗;有祂带领我们进入忧伤的黑暗;有时祂带领我们进入失望的黑暗;有时祂带领我们进入疾病的黑暗。─ 无名(我记得是《荒漠甘泉》)
  u+ l' X! T2 M* ]- W
: j# z+ Y+ ^) }受苦是神给我们的恩赐,一份令我们更像基督的礼物;人不应以为痛苦是一种惩罚。─ 德兰, X/ o+ f7 _# z3 z

2 F. }  }9 T+ A) B/ e只有神知道我们需要受多少苦,才能完成祂在我们生命中的目的。─ 芬乃伦
' S# ^$ a4 Z" L& l3 m# z5 U% ]. [
1 C7 y' J9 F1 y: X  ?) ]不是因为有患难才有恩惠,而是因为有恩惠才有患难。患难是手段,恩惠是目的。那是以患难开始,以恩惠为终结。─ 内村鉴三
& Y) P% t4 L5 R/ _/ V+ M' N+ C/ B9 `* a! ]
上帝为信徒安排的每一个试金炉是预先计划的,为要炼净你的渣滓,使你成为精金。─ F.B. Meyer: v* ~/ z8 K. H
, Z+ @8 V0 V% B3 ^
如果神不撤去祂要你喝的苦杯,祂一定差遣天使来加强你的力量;如果祂不拔去你的刺,祂一定赐你够用的恩典。─ F.B. Meyer! ~; z4 l5 f! A, |3 g9 k
5 O  W$ `) w( W$ H; s' @
难处和加难处的人与你之间所站立着的,是不是神自己呢?如果是,还有什么能够伤害你?─ 达秘: D) V# M6 @" f  n% f" r; ^% X

8 [' f, ^9 z9 B9 E  r未曾流过眼泪的信心,不是活的信心。─ 司布真
英雄武松  大学四年级 发表于 2011-8-15 17:02:57 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 哈萨克斯坦
never_land 发表于 2011-8-15 09:43 9 z% l5 u7 y  c7 _0 Y" D5 c

/ o3 O( a* r+ X% \1 {& c又开始吃回易瑞沙了?祝福有效。
. c& s% m& w$ H& `要是易瑞沙平均的有效期是5年吗,那该多好。
never_land  高中三年级 发表于 2011-8-15 17:11:11 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 美国
英雄武松 发表于 2011-8-15 17:02
( N/ y/ D0 g6 L3 M又开始吃回易瑞沙了?祝福有效。' D  I& p0 ~7 v; Q6 U4 B" W% D4 Q
0 K( S2 @4 f4 A' w3 s
cooleryou  初中一年级 发表于 2011-8-16 15:58:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 北京
never_land  高中三年级 发表于 2011-8-16 16:03:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 美国
cooleryou 发表于 2011-8-16 15:58 3 J8 D7 t) v$ R) H& ^
! c6 a3 e3 m3 j( E& X
爱姐姐  初中三年级 发表于 2011-8-16 23:29:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 美国
never_land 发表于 2011-8-15 09:43 2 t1 J5 Q" R8 r; n4 z1 Q. X

, {  p! e0 ?) r回来看看你。希望一切都好,你也要注意自己的身体。
7 I; a) h1 R! r) f
9 t: A' R' h0 J你老公以前吃易瑞沙多久?管用么?这里有两个调查性质的study,是关于重新吃易和吃特的,虽然只是调研性质的不是系统性的研究,而且没说再次服用能管用多久,但是是挺positive的结论。不管是易还是特,思路都是针对EGFR TKI的。
' i# r3 c6 |1 k3 G" _) X/ }
0 ~' d( Y/ i! J/ {只是去年初的,关于易的,原文已经不再网上了。' \4 x1 A, d5 ]! u
There is an interesting article from Elsevier Global Medical News about a small phase II trial in which 18 patients who had previously responded well to Iressa (Gefitinib) returned to it after subsequent chemo failed.
" R, U" r8 t' X2 V6 r: R* ?- V, @2 N+ x, x/ v, d; _4 d
The median initial treatment with Iressa was 264 days, with 39% partial response and the remaining 61% achieving stability. Upon retreatment, 27% had a partial response and 53% had stable disease. The median length of retreatment was 86 days. All 3 patients with known EGFR mutations responded, as did 10 of 12 who were female non-smokers.4 S0 [7 g; [! q0 o* s4 n6 Y" }
$ y. ~  e, s5 T1 O1 ?
Granted it's a very small trial (which the investigators intend to fully populate this year) and it's Iressa not Tarceva, but it certainly seems that EGFR TKI retreatment could be an option when other proven treatments have been exhausted.: E6 p& h2 I! T% J% M
- ^+ D) A# t1 c
这是关于特的,今年六月份的,要注册才能读abstract和全文,这是abstract. 全文挺长的,我download了PDF,如果你要,可以给你。1 R/ F/ o: N; Q/ l+ k% Q# T% p
0 w% _/ E) |; y2 c9 o5 E( @Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) are approved as treatment of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Despite an initially impressive response to EGFR-TKIs, patients with an activating EGFR mutation invariably relapse. For these patients few treatment options are available after additional progression during or after chemotherapy. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of retreatment with an EGFR-TKI after a drug holiday.! \( Y( @6 Y7 o; {

2 U- D4 [3 |& G1 l# mPatients and methods/ w8 b% z0 v2 K% r
We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 14 patients with stage IV NSCLC who progressed after long-term disease control with EGFR-TKI, who were subsequently treated with standard chemotherapy and at renewed progression retreated with EGFR-TKI.; _% {+ E8 b$ y" G

6 S/ F+ \  p9 O+ b5 j! D& nResults
) t  S$ x6 U  f  _* G6 yFourteen patients (five male, nine female, median age 55years (39–70years) received retreatment with erlotinib. The median interval from the discontinuation of EGFR-TKI to the 2nd episode was 9.5months (3–36months). Before starting retreatment 36% (n=5) had a T790M mutation. Retreatment resulted in 36% (n=5) partial response, 50% stable disease (n=7) and 14% progressive disease (n=2). Among patients with a T790M mutation this number was two, one and two, respectively. Seven patients are still on therapy without signs of progression. Median follow up is 9months (1.5–16+months) and median PFS is 6.5months (1–16+months).6 H- A3 f: k$ K+ K/ ^9 l9 [& k
* s- ?* X/ p$ q
Conclusion" Q+ O9 L% o. B4 B- K" `
Our findings suggest that retreatment with erlotinib is an option for patients with NSCLC who initially benefited from previous EGFR-TKI treatment and progressed after standard cytotoxic chemotherapy.
英雄武松  大学四年级 发表于 2011-8-17 00:40:25 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 哈萨克斯坦
爱姐姐 发表于 2011-8-16 23:29
# u/ ?& L& t! m回来看看你。希望一切都好,你也要注意自己的身体。
5 d. C; k6 P* M, H/ x$ J0 i4 k4 E9 ^
你老公以前吃易瑞沙多久?管用么?这里有两个调查 ...
5 U2 \- q6 c( t. d) f! q4 B
never_land  高中三年级 发表于 2011-8-17 09:39:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 美国
爱姐姐 发表于 2011-8-16 23:29
# d+ a: [7 f8 s* h& H回来看看你。希望一切都好,你也要注意自己的身体。; @$ x- i. e$ P/ @7 D* \0 B
% W% b% o% m2 ]) }- Z+ b: w' O
你老公以前吃易瑞沙多久?管用么?这里有两个调查 ...
* U3 j6 X0 ~8 U% [: i: I9 F
never_land  高中三年级 发表于 2011-8-17 09:42:25 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 美国
爱姐姐 发表于 2011-8-16 23:29
3 d5 D7 K! G$ ]- @2 J回来看看你。希望一切都好,你也要注意自己的身体。) |! S6 V3 N0 |! N
2 P2 }+ L- ?& h! c7 Y2 L, e7 ?
你老公以前吃易瑞沙多久?管用么?这里有两个调查 ...

2 g8 t: C5 n# n5 l全文不用了,谢谢,abstract已经足够。我现在不会往细里研究了,只要知道大方向就行。
never_land  高中三年级 发表于 2011-8-17 10:00:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 美国
8 N: P' O1 [/ m5 U
就是说曾经有效,重上有效的机会很大。) F+ D) F* M4 T# a+ t
  ]/ ?+ w! n) z
易瑞沙的:% S. |3 O( I4 W0 N  ]8 W2 Z  w
18个首次易瑞沙有效的患者,第二次接受易瑞沙。第一次264天,39%部分应答,其余61%稳定。第二次重上治疗的中位时间为86天,27%部分应答,53%稳定。3个患者已知EGFR突变,另12人中有10人为女性非吸烟者。但没有提及首次和二次之间的间隔时间。4 \' ^( H% n( `) |* ^% ?' w
8 ?4 h/ g+ d. z* y" K  N
特罗凯的:* f  T) ^( ?7 c" e. f- M$ c6 i


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